Hurricane Helene Response
Fahe is committed to helping to navigate the path to recovery for those communities in our service region that are affected by Hurricane Helene.

Donate now!
The Fahe Hurricane Helene Recovery Fund will support recovery and rebuilding efforts including housing and other community services in Tennessee and Virginia.
The Fahe Network leverages our strength in numbers.
Fahe Members are supporting recovery by participating in weekly calls and regular caucus meetings. Contact the Membership team for more information.
FAQs for when disaster strikes.
FAQs for Families and Individuals Coping with Disasters
Fahe coordinates the needs of local communities with state and federal sources of aid.
The Fahe Network has 40+ years of experience building, repairing, and rehabilitating homes in central Appalachia. We are the boots on the ground in communities hit the hardest by this disaster.
We have a track record in leading disaster recovery. In response to the historic flooding in Eastern Kentucky, Fahe partnered successfully with local and state government organizations in Kentucky to create and fund solutions.
Contact us to learn more.
We are hearing and documenting what Fahe Members in Tennessee and Virginia need now.
We are working on long term solutions and support. We are especially concerned about rural communities that are often overlooked. The Fahe Network has decades of experience rebuilding communities affected by disasters, disinvestment, and persistent poverty. We will leverage our prior experience, and we invite other supporters to join us in this effort.

Here’s how Fahe is tackling the recovery:
For Residents
Fahe provides FAQs to help residents access need-to-know information as they navigate recovery. We’re working through our Members to determine the greatest needs on the ground. We are organizing solutions and actively fundraising and partnering with other organizations to fill those needs as a network.
We also provide a list of third-party resources on this page.
For Fahe Members
Our strength in numbers is our greatest asset.
Fahe holds regular calls and meetings to hear what our Members in Tennessee and Virginia are experiencing and seeing on the ground. We build solutions based on actual needs.
Fahe Members who have prior disaster experience, such as those who have navigated the catastrophic flood event in Kentucky, are joining in this effort and offering their expertise.
For Policymakers
Fahe is a proven resource to help coordinate local, state, and federal aid with the needs of communities.
For Individuals and Organizations
Fahe is collecting donations and grants for the Fahe Hurricane Helene Recovery Fund.
100% of your donations will be directed to serve the communities impacted by Hurricane Helene in Tennessee and Virginia.
Recovery Updates
There has been some encouraging and initial progress in the allocation of much-needed state and federal funding to help support recovery. It will take time for these funds to be distributed and before they will directly impact the communities.
- As of January 2025 the Tennessee Housing Development Agency is proposing an $8 million amendment to fund a new disaster relief program which would provide relief for affected counties in East Tennessee through a discretionary application process. Read more here.
- The Federal CDBG-DR Funding has also been announced. Read more here.
– Tennessee: $85,738,000
– Virginia: $46,670,000
Fahe provides selected third-party resources for your information. These resources will continue to be updated. If you have suggestions for additional resources to include, please contact us.
Tennessee and Virginia Resources
Appalachian RC&D Council Facebook
Housing Support Resources
Housing Counseling Services available through Eastern Tennessee Eight Community Development Corporation (Johnson City)
SBA resources for homeowners, renters, business recovery
Volunteer opportunities available through Volunteer United
Federal Housing and Shelter Resource Timeline and Compendium
Fannie Mae – Here to Help Program
Emergency Preparedness and Response Resources
FEMA App: The FEMA app is a personalized disaster resource that helps individuals prepare for and recover from a disaster. The app can be downloaded on iOS or Android. We strongly encourage the use of this App. This page provides information and resources on different disasters and emergencies.
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) provides several behavioral health resources for Disaster Preparedness, Response, and Recovery. In addition, SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline, 1-800-985-5990, is a 24/7, 365-day-a-year, national hotline dedicated to providing immediate crisis counseling for people who are experiencing emotional distress related to any natural or human-caused disaster. This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories.
Psychological First Aid is an evidence-informed approach for assisting children, adolescents, adults, and families in the aftermath of a disaster. The field manual developed by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) includes handouts for parents, caregivers, as well as children from birth to 5 years old.
National Weather Service (NWS): offers a useful, location-based resource on current severe weather conditions along with one- and seven- day outlooks. The website also provides NWS safety and preparedness information and resources to stay up-to-date with hazardous weather conditions.
Disaster-Specific Resources
Hurricanes | This site provides resources on how to prepare for, respond to, and stay safe during hurricanes.
National Hurricane Preparedness | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration ( This page contains information on safety precautions, sheltering options, evacuation plans, hurricane risks, and more.
Hurricane Preparedness | Red Cross: This page contains helpful information for families on evacuation and safe shelter during a hurricane or typhoon.
Floods | This site provides resources on how to prepare for, respond to, and stay safe during severe floods.
Flood ( This page provides protective action materials that are particularly useful before, during, and after the event of a flood.
Flood Safety | Flood Preparedness | American Red Cross: This page contains helpful information on how to stay safe during a flood and how to clean up a flooded home.
Connecting volunteers to needs in NE TN. Register to volunteer or accept volunteers for your organization:
Supporting the Response: If you are an organization wanting to support, please contact the FEMA Voluntary Agency Liaisons at [email protected].
FEMA Resources
Hurricane Helene FEMA Resources: FEMA has a list of State, Tribal and Local official websites and resources on
FEMA’s Website on Hurricane Helene: Here.
Updated Fact Sheet: Sparing No Resource to Support Communities Impacted by Hurricane Helene Here.
Applying for Disaster Assistance: People in designated counties can apply for FEMA assistance in three ways: online by visiting, calling 1-800-621-3362 or in the FEMA App.
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Resources
What should I do after a disaster to protect my finances and property?
CFPB disasters and emergencies guide
See additional resources to help people recover available from the CFPB and other federal government agencies.
General Resources for Impacted Communities
Reunification: People who need help reconnecting with loved ones missing after the hurricane can call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767).
Small Business Support: SBA offers low-interest loans to help in disaster recovery. These loans can be used for losses not covered by insurance or FEMA for both personal and business needs, or business operating expenses that could have been met if the disaster had not occurred. SBA disaster loans are available to businesses of all sizes, homeowners, renters, and private non-profit organizations in declared disaster areas. To find out if you’re eligible to apply, visit the Disaster Declaration Search Page. Types of SBA Disaster Loans include:
Physical Damage Loans: For the repair and replacement of physical assets damaged in a declared disaster.
Mitigation Assistance: Provides funding to make improvements to reduce future damage.
Economic Injury Loans: Helps cover operating expenses for small businesses affected by the disaster.
Military Reservist Loan: Assists small businesses with operating expenses when employees are on active duty leave.
TN D-SNAP: TDHS Disaster Emergency Assistance
NC D-SNAP: Hurricane Helene Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP) | NCDHHS
Combatting Disinformation: The Administration, including FEMA, has also been tracking and combatting the significant amount of false information circulating online related to the Federal response – which can discourage people from seeking critical and life-saving assistance. The Administration is actively working to identify and combat this misinformation and disinformation and support survivors in every possible way, and with this new account, the White House will now uplift federal actions and resources on Reddit.