Fahe is powered by our boots on the ground: our Member organizations.
Our Network of more than 50 community-based nonprofits is building a future where Appalachian people and communities will thrive. Fahe helps Members access funding, training, networking opportunities, and more.
Meet Our Members
Fahe is owned and governed by our Members, who meet regularly throughout the year, including caucus meetings.
Two representatives from each state caucus serve on our Board of Directors. When the needs of our Members and their communities change, so do Fahe’s strategies and priorities.
Through our strength in numbers, we’re able to raise our collective voice, share best practices with each other, and gather more support for our region.

The Power of Membership
Since 1980, Fahe Members have played a key role in facilitating more than $1.91 billion of investment in Appalachia, directly changing nearly 941,707 lives.
Fahe’s Members include nonprofit affordable housing organizations, community housing development organizations, housing authorities, community action agencies, Habitat for Humanity affiliates, and mental health agencies doing housing-related work.
Fahe provides Members with access to transformational resources, including Community Development Block Grants, ARC, and USDA programs. By connecting our Members with financial resources and expertise, we help each other, so we can help our communities.
Fahe supports Members as they develop innovative solutions to address barriers faced by their communities. Support for innovative solutions can be collaboration on a pilot program, being a partner or an intermediary for a new source of funding, and convening for collaborative work. Fahe’s approach to building business platforms reduces the risk of innovation for capacity-strained nonprofits.
We’re stronger together! Fahe Members meet regularly to share best practices, network, and stay up-to-date on new products, services, and government policies. Three times a year, our Members gather for statewide caucus meetings. Twice a year, all of our Members convene at our Spring Retreat and Annual Meeting, where we engage in thought-provoking conversations about strategies for creating a more prosperous Appalachia. Throughout the year, staff from across our Membership also participate in a variety of working groups to share resources and expertise.
Fahe Members join together to influence policy and highlight how public funding can make a difference in our communities. We advocate for systems change. With our collective voice, we inform politicians, funders, and other decision makers of our communities’ needs, assets, and opportunities.
We amplify stories that illustrate our impact in Appalachia. Fahe Members are working together to develop a new narrative that demonstrates the strength of our local leaders and identifies the untapped potential in the region. We are building our brand, raising visibility, and lifting our reputation as thought leaders to attract more support in Appalachia.
If your organization is interested in becoming a Fahe Member, please reach out!
Fahe Members are mission-focused nonprofits working in Appalachia to deliver affordable housing and other community services. We have state caucuses in Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, and West Virginia.
Get in Touch

The most critical success metric for any collaboration is this: is it stronger, and does it accomplish more, than would the sum of its parts individually? Fahe is a model of collaboration that works. Fahe engenders cooperation, seeks out mutually beneficial opportunities, and supports its Network through successes and setbacks, because Fahe and our Members know that our communities will progress most quickly when all of Appalachia moves forward.”
Tom Manning-Beavin, CEO Frontier Housing, Fahe Member

The value I see from Fahe Membership is having connection with other practitioners in the field. We learn from and strengthen each other so that our work continues to be as efficient and impactful as possible in the communities we serve. Together, we are able to connect to a variety of resources to which we may not otherwise have access. Fahe helps us achieve a strength in numbers that influences lasting change in our local and regional communities.
Jackie Mayo, President and CEO HomeSource east tennessee, Fahe Member