Fahe Recovery Programs Featured in Journal of Appalachian Health
Fahe’s mission to eliminate persistent poverty in Appalachia includes addressing the drug crisis through increased access to recovery services. Led by Fahe’s Strategic Programs department, we have several recovery programs and partnerships which are increasing the availability and reach of recovery centers, increasing access to essential services, and creating new pathways to sustainable employment.
The Journal of Appalachian Health (JAH) recently featured our recovery efforts in their second issue. Our submission, authored by Fahe’s Research Director Katy Stigers, discusses programs implemented by Fahe and partners to increase access to addiction recovery care and calls attention to how backbone organizations are a condition for successful collective impact.
The objective of the JAH is “to improve the health status of the population of Appalachia through the rapid dissemination of knowledge of their health problems and evidence-based solution to them.” The JAH offers a distinct insight on the health needs of Appalachia and the solutions on the ground.
The journal is free and made widely available to interested parties through the Creative Commons License. You can find the entire issue here: https://uknowledge.uky.edu/jah/