Fahe Public Policy Positions: Crisis Employment Continuity

Fahe believes that through the duration of this pandemic and economic crisis, we need to keep Main Street working, by giving workers and small businesses the support they need to drive recovery again.

We want our crisis investments to work for small employers and workers who are much more at risk than larger firms well connected to the capital markets. Making this the approach in future economic relief will best maintain our economies.

  • Fahe Members support a more seamless transition to keep people on payroll. While it may not be something our country can do right now, we should try, and at least can build it for the next crisis. We believe direct payments to businesses that keep their workers employed at close to an everyday worker’s full salary are best. This approach is championed in various forms by bipartisan leaders in Congress.
  • Not everyone working in our communities is an employee. We have many very small businesses, including subcontractors that build our houses, entrepreneurs that are a new hope in our communities, and even temporary workers. We call for streamlined emergency loans for these very small businesses, available nationwide, that work fast to keep the businesses going, not to risk the disruption of our businesses closing down.