Fahe Annual Meeting 2023 Recap: Day 3

Day 3 Highlights:
The final morning started with a “coffee chat” between Fahe CEO Jim King and Fahe Chief Communications Officer Lina Page about the power of narrative.
Page said, “There is a sweeping awareness of justice in our society right now. There is more willingness to right wrongs and provide resources where they are needed most.”
“Through the power of narrative we can connect the dots—and inform broader audiences how this network creates transformational change in Appalachia. When our voice is heard we can be a partner in defining what we need in terms of capital, capacity, and people to deliver solutions at scale for our region.” – Lina Page

In the “Capacity Conversation: Leveling Up to Get What You Need” panel discussion moderated by Fahe President Sara Morgan, presenters Sabrina Seamon, Clinch-Powell RC&D; Karen Jacobson, Woodlands Community Lenders; Tom Manning-Beavin, Frontier Housing, Inc. spoke from the heart about what it takes beyond grit and determination to deliver solutions where they are needed most.
In the “Cross-sector Panel: As We Move Forward…” Fahe’s Jim King spoke with Roger Glendenning, USDA; Christie Cade, NeighborWorks America; and Luke Shaefer, University of Michigan.
“I see incredible assets in places like Appalachia and the Delta, with amazing people who are standing up and working to take communities into the future. Cross collaboration is essential to progress—how do you set a vision and action that builds the capacity you need?” – Luke Shaefer, Ph.D.

Schaefer continued, “The inertia of the rules and the cognitive work to move around them . . . [makes it] easy to start saying no to everything. Now is a good time for decision makers to rethink those rules, and for the rest of us to shift to a ‘Yes!’ mentality.”
Cade agreed and said, “One gap is knowledge we’ve gained and are losing as people retire. We need to figure out how to transfer that knowledge to new leaders, and consider new ways of interpreting the possibilities. Things can be changed. We need to get beyond the “No” space and continue to push and innovate.”
“What’s so important about meeting the moment is that leaders in Fahe’s Network are doing it! Your passion and commitment are key. When NeighborWorks America gives unrestricted money, it is to support leaders where they are at, to help them meet the moment.” – Christie Cade

King said, “Instead of coming to someone else’s table (funders, government, etc.), what if we had a Brand New Table? It would include researchers, practitioners, decision makers, and other partners who can innovate new solutions together.”
“Fahe is a major, well-respected partner in the delivery of 502 Direct Mortgages—big success!!! There’s a lot of forward momentum in serving underserved communities via partnerships with USDA and nonprofits [like Fahe’s packaging partners].” – Roger Glendenning

Congratulations to the 2023 Awards Recipients
As the final day concluded, Fahe honored some our notable Members and presented the following annual awards:
Fahe Award for Excellence:
-Innovation: KCEOC Training Center, Barbourville, KY

-New Program: SERCAP, Inc Lead Hazard Reduction & Healthy Homes Program

Fahe Award for Leadership:
-Emerging Leader – Aron Boldog, Director of Real Estate Development, Community Action Partnership of North Alabama

-Seasoned Leader – Jackie Mayo, President & CEO, HomeSource east tennessee, Knoxville, TN

Art Collings Award for Advocacy:
Rebecca Dillow, Director of Strategy & Development, Clinch-Powell RC&D

Dwayne Yost Friend of Fahe Award:
Gayle Conelly Manchin – National Co-Chair, Appalachian Regional Commission

Voice of the Region:
Jointly presented to:
Scott McReynolds, Executive Director, Housing Development Alliance, Inc. Hazard, KY
Seth Long, Executive Director, HOMES, Inc., Whitesburg, KY

Fahe Hall of Fame:
Andy Kegley, Executive Director, Open Door Community (formerly HOPE, Inc.) Wytheville, VA (Accepted by Jordan Stidham)

Walter Crouch, President & CEO, Appalachia Service Project, Johnson City, TN

Read the Rest of the 2023 Fahe Annual Meeting Recap
Recap Main Page Day 1 Day 2 Day 3