Beattyville Hope Station
Fahe Member Beattyville Housing and Development Corporation (BHDC) is receiving funding from Fahe’s Community Lending Fund to acquire and transform an existing structure into a much needed homeless shelter named Beattyville Hope Station (BHS).
BHS is estimated to comfortably provide safe and secure housing for 32 people experiencing homelessness. BHS will also provide access to one-on-one case management, educational services including Narcotics Anonymous, and education and transitional services to allow clients to find stable housing and employment. In addition to direct services, BHDC is working in conjunction with local churches and other organizations to provide public education and outreach on homeless issues in order to reduce the stigma and garner more community support.
Beattyville Housing and Development Corporation has been a leader in Lee County, KY since the 90’s. They have been a catalyst for growth and change in one of the nation’s most impoverished counties through the construction of affordable housing, credit counseling, affordable financing, homeowner rehabilitation, rental assistance, Continuum of Care programs, Emergency Solutions Grant Program, and Commodity and Emergency Food Programs. In addition, they were instrumental in the creation of essential infrastructure for the community including the local water transmission line and a new water treatment plant.
We are proud to once again partner with our Member BHDC to bring hope and opportunity to those facing homelessness in one of the hardest to serve areas of Appalachia. For the funding for Beattyville Hope Station, Fahe’s CLF is utilizing the Uplift America Fund, a public/private partnership between USDA, private foundations, and banks that bring much needed capital to persistently low-wealth areas.