Appalachia Housing Needs Assessment Webinar
Join Jim King, President of Fahe, and Mel Jones, Research Scientist and Associate Director of the Virginia Center for Housing Research (VCHR) at Virginia Tech as they discuss the findings and implications of a recently commissioned Appalachia Housing Needs Assessment.
Fahe commissioned this rigorous study by the researchers at VCHR in order to ensure our region has the information it needs to assess current and future housing demand. The results are relevant to policymakers as well as housing developers and community development practitioners.
Prepared by Mel Jones, research scientist, and Samuel Spencer, research associate, the report analyses the results of custom tabulations of census data carefully compiled to evaluate the stock, demand, and affordability of housing in Central Appalachia and Appalachian Alabama (CA) —the Fahe service area.
You are invited to watch live on Facebook on Wednesday, April 1st at 2:30 PM Eastern Standard Time.