A Celebration of Fahe’s Women Leaders!
In honor of Women’s History Month, Fahe is proud to highlight the inspiring women who lead our network of 50+ nonprofits in Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, and Alabama. They are bringing people, organizations, and resources together to build a thriving Appalachia for now and for future generations. Their contributions are significant: twenty-five of Fahe’s 53 member organizations – 47% – are female-led.
Learn more about Women’s History month: https://www.womenshistory.org/womens-history/womens-history-month
Honor Roll:
Annie Cacheiro, Aid to Distressed Families of Appalachian Counties https://www.adfac.org/
Lisa Pierce, Alabama Rural Ministry https://www.arm-al.org/
Lisa Barton, Appalachian Community Action & Development Agency https://appcaa.org/
Melisa Winburn, Appalachia Service Project, https://asphome.org/
Amanda Voyles, Beattyville Housing and Development Corp. https://www.beattyvillehousingky.org/
Kathy Stark, Blount County Habitat for Humanity https://blounthabitat.org/
Lisa Porter, Bristol Redevelopment & Housing Authority https://www.brha.com/
Lindy Turner, Clinch-Powell Resource Conservation & Development Council http://www.clinchpowell.net/
Sarah Halcott, Creative Compassion, Inc. https://ccihomes.org/
Kathy Vanlandingham, Crossville Housing Authority https://crossvillehousing.org
Sherry Trent, Eastern Eight Community Development Corporation https://e8cdc.org/
Christal Crouso, Fairmont-Morgantown Housing Authority https://fmhousing.com/
Angie Allen, Highlands Housing Corporation https://hhfirst.org/
Kate Somers, HomeOwnership Center https://hocwv.org/
Jackie Mayo, HomeSource East Tennessee https://www.homesourcetn.org/
Mary Meade-McKenzie, Kentucky River Community Care https://www.krccnet.com/
Elaine McVay, Mon Valley Habitat for Humanity https://monvalleyhfh.org/
Martha Pierce, Mountain T.O.P https://www.mountain-top.org/
Mary Ellen Judah, Neighborhood Concepts, Inc. https://www.neighborhoodconcepts.org/
Patricia McFarland, North Central West Virginia Community Action https://ncwvcaacorp.net/
Maria Catron, Oak Ridge Housing Authority https://orha.net/
Cassie Hudson, Partnership Housing, Inc. https://www.partnershiphousinginc.com/
Anne Price, People’s Self-Help Housing, Inc. https://www.pshhinc.org/
Lisa Shaffer, Randolph County Housing Authority https://rchawv.org/
Hope Cupit, Southeast Rural Community Assistance Project, Inc. https://sercap.org/
Krystal Gibbons, Tennessee’s Community Assistance Corporation https://www.tcac1.org/